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- Звіт про концертну діяльність Академії за 2023 рік
- Звіт про концертну діяльність Академії за 2022 рік
- Інформація про основні творчі заходи у 2016-2021 роках
- “Україно – ми єдині!” – концертне турне джаз-бенду Академії в зоні АТО
- “ПОМІЖ СИРЕН” – концерти в рамках програми з підтримки ВПО та місцевих громад Львівської області
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- Наші гості
History of Academy
The Mykola Lysenko Lviv National Music Academy – one of the oldest musical institutions of higher education in Central and Eastern Europe.
The origin of the Mykola Lysenko LNMA reaches the end of XVIII century. and is associated with the names of Joseph Elsner (teacher of F.Chopin) and younger son of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart – Franz Xaver Mozart. Their educational and social activities laid the foundation for the establishment in 1853, the Conservatory of Galician Musical Society.
From 1858 to 1887 the head of the Conservatoire was an outstanding composer and pianist who studied with Frederic Chopin – Karol Mikuli. At the end of XIXth century Conservatory was headed by Mieczyslaw Soltys who studied with Camille Saint -Saens.
Many musicians which graduates Conservatory of GMS in the first decades of the XX century were the stars of the world music scene. Among them: Adam Didur , Solomia Krushelnytska, Raul Koczalski, Modest Menzinsky Alexander Philippi-Mishuga, Moriz Rosenthal etc. We should also remember the famous Ukrainian modernistic composer Vasyl Barvinsky, Joseph Koffler who was friend of Arnold Schoenberg and one of the pioneers dodecaphony and known representative of the European avant-garde of the second half of XXth century – Roman Haubenstock – Ramati.
In the first years of the XX century two another musical high schools was founded in Lviv: Private music conservatory n.a. Karol Szymanowski and the Mykola Lysenko Supreme Music Institute .
These three music universities in 1939 were combined into a single higher education institution with a common name : the Mykola Lysenko Lviv State Conservatory .
After a difficult period of the Soviet occupation, since Ukraine became independent an active processes started in Lviv Conservatory. Goal of these processes is revival of the glorious traditions of the Lviv Conservatory and its transformation into a modern music high school, which is at the forefront of contemporary European trends in music education.
Today at the Mykola Lysenko Lviv National Music Academy many students orchestra and ensembles work. Among them: Opera Studio with symphony orchestra and student chamber and symphony orchestras that present their concerts not only in Ukraine but also in famous scenes in many countries of Europe.
In 2000, the Lviv Conservatory became the Mykola Lysenko Lviv State Music Academy, and in 2007 received the National status.